Welcome and thank you for serving as the Life Chain contact for your church.
As the director of the Wilmington Life Chain, I try to perform the tasks that I am responsible for in such a way that God will be honored and bless our efforts as we partner together. I would earnestly ask that you do the same. With that said, thank you for your commitment to the following:
Information- Use church bulletins, newsletters, bulletin boards and announcements to promote Life Chain. Learn your church’s publication deadlines and guidelines. See Downloads at right for Bulletin Board Flyers and Bulletin Inserts.
Encouragement- Encourage your pastor or priest to lead by example. Remind them of the importance of their support from the pulpit. It is particularly valuable if they speak of Life Chain the Sunday before and the Sunday of Life Chain. The flock will follow if the shepherd challenges and leads. Encourage and challenge the body to be bold as they stand for life.
Prayer- Please pray daily for Life Chain, your pastor or priest and your church’s participation in Life Chain.
Also, please refer to the Downloads menu and read the pages found there. This should tell you what you need to know to prepare for Life Chain. Please refer to the Details / Updates section above for any changes you should be aware of. Be sure that all resources have been updated for this year before use.
Questions? Call Freddy @ 910-352-2030